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How to Autostart MT4 After Server/VPS Reboot

MetaTrader 4/5 tutorials

We recently published a knowledgebase article detailing how to automatically restart MetaTrader 4 after a VPS reboot. If you already have a forex VPS with FXVM, please jump to the Knowledgebase, as this functionality is built in to our forex VPS systems by default. Else, read on!

Using a forex VPS is an excellent first step toward maintaining 100% stability and availability of your MT4 platform and EAs. Beyond that, a critical practice is to automatically start MT4 in the event of a system reboot. This way, MetaTrader 4 will restart automatically in the event of a system crash or reboot, without any need to log in and start the program manually. Although using a forex VPS for expert advisors and other trading strategies is highly recommended, you can also use these steps with any normal Windows PC.

We recommend a free utility called Startup Manager, which provides an easy interface for defining normal .exe’s (Windows executables) as system services. This allows Windows to run the programs at system boot, before any user account logs in.

Download the application here:

Then, just follow the simple steps to add your MT4 program:

1. Open the Startup Manager and click the green “+” icon.


Autostart MT4 - 1


2. In the popup dialog, click Browse.

Autostart MT4 - 2


3. Locate your MT4′ terminal.exe file, usually in C:Program Files (x86)MetaTrader 4terminal.exe.Autostart MT4 - 3


4. Click OK to add the .exe to the startup list.

Autostart MT4 - 4

5. Confirm that terminal.exe by MetaTrader has been added.Autostart MT4 - 5


You’re done! MT4 will now automatically restart in the event of a system reboot. There is no need to keep Startup Manager open; all changes are saved to the system registry and will take effect immediately.

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